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Pet Food Nutrition

Raw Dog Food Nutrition

Advanced Canine Food Nutrition

Acute Canine Herbalism

Acute Canine Homeopathy

Canine Essential Oils
(Coming Soon)
$29.99 per month
$29.99 per month
Specialist Course & Certification
Confidently Create or Buy The RIGHT Essential Oil For Your Dog That’s SAFE … WITHOUT Feeling Overwhelmed Or Scared You Might Harm Him.
Isla Fishburn BSc Masters PhD
Dr Isla Fishburn has a BSc in Zoology, a Masters and a PhD in Conservation Biology. With a passion for conservation, ecosystem health and re-connecting people to nature, Isla believes this is where true healing begins.
Isla works closely with raw feeding companies, holistic vets, naturopaths, and is on the expert panel for Benyfit Natural raw Dog food. She's always researching and advancing her knowledge on how to improve wellness and create a healthier and cleaner planet where humans, animals, plants and all elements can co-exist in harmony.
Rita Hogan
Rita Hogan is a canine herbalist and co-founder of Farm Dog Naturals, an herbal remedy company for the all-natural dog. Rita combines nature with her love for dogs by offering consulting that focuses on dogs as individuals: mind, body and spirit. Her practice incorporates herbal medicine, complementary therapies and environmental stewardship to help dogs and people find balance and partnership with nature. Connect with Rita through her website:
Some Of Our DNMU Graduates ...
Help heal and comfort your dog without using harmful and expensive prescription drugs.
Mother Nature’s oldest and most powerful healers have been helping sick dogs and their people for over 5,000 years.
You'll become an expert in:
You might have shied away from Essential Oils because you’ve been told they are dangerous to dogs …
well that CAN be true.
They can also be EXTREMELY GOOD for your dog and effective when it comes to issues like …
Step 1: Take The Course
The Certification Course is approximately 8-9 hours of video training. Most classes can be completed in a weekend if you're working on them full-time, but 7 to 14 days is the recommended time to complete the course.
Step 2: Pass The Test
Once you complete the course, you'll be able to sit for the final exam (which is taken online). The exam isn't tricky, but you'll need a passing grade of 75% to get certified and you can take the test up to three times. If you don't receive a passing grade after the third attempt, you'll be required to go back through the course again. The exam should take from 30 to 60 minutes to complete and consists of 75 multiple choice questions.
Step 3: Get Your Certificate And Badge
Upon successful completion of the course and exam, you'll receive a personalized badge and certificate. Your badge works with Mozilla's Open Badges Project, so it can be displayed in places that matter, including your website, email signature or LinkedIn profile. Plus you'll receive a full color certificate that's suitable for framing so you can display your achievement.
In this course you'll learn everything you need to know about Canine Essential Oils.
Here you’ll get a brief history of essential oils from ancient time to the present, find out the different ways you can practise using essential oils and we’ll compare different models of aromatherapy and find out what “using essential oils holistically” actually means.
Find out what an essential oil actually IS and how Traditional Chinese Medicine’s 5-element theory can help you use essential oils with your dog more holistically - and more effectively. Learn about canine energetics and scent anatomy and why they’re such an important process for your dog.
Don’t be scared of the title. This module will simplify the different chemical layers of essential oils and how those chemicals are produced through the extraction process. You’ll want to understand the extraction methods in order to identify quality essential oil products.
Let’s cut through the jargon and marketing. We’ll help you understand quality standards when it comes to commercial essential oils and how testing methods work to find pure essential oils for your dog.
Well, this is important. There is a safe way to use essential oils and then, there’s not-so-safe-ways. Dr Isla Fishburn will talk about essential oil metabolism and contraindications of oils. Then lastly you'll learn about the essential oils you should use with caution, and oils you should avoid all together.
This is the fun part! Here you will see just how dog’s act around essential oils. This is called self-selection and a very important part of giving essential oils to your dog.
Here you’ll get a full rundown of each essential oil to get you familiarize you AND you’ll get a protocol plan with recipes. To end the course you’ll be able to review protocols, vocabulary, shopping references, books and more!